When you create your Tempted Profile, you will be asked to enter an email address and password. To create your Profile, navigate to https://tempted.com/ and then you have two options: 

  • Click on Let's Start and enter a valid email and password, then select I'm a creator.
  • Click on Sign Up (in the upper right corner of the screen), enter a valid email and password, and select I'm a creator.

These steps allow you to choose a secure and memorable password that will help protect your account. Don't forget to create a password that combines letters (minimum 8 characters), numbers, and special characters for added security. Your password should not include the words «password» or «Tempted.»

If you want to change the password and use a new one, access the Profile & Settings section on the left-side menu, click on the Settings option and then select the Account tab. Within this section, introduce your desired new password in the designated New Password field, and be sure to retype it correcin the Retype New Password field for confirmation. To implement the change, simply click on the Update button. This will complete the process of changing your password.