Once you have entered your email, you can continue with the Onboarding Process to create your account. 

The first step will guide you to establish your Nickname. Remember that after submitting your first Cashout request, you will no longer be able to change it! It must have at least 4 characters long and can consist of letters, numbers, and/or the _ symbol. Utilizing a Nickname that your followers are already familiar with will enhance their ability to recognize and connect with you! 

In this step, also remember to add your gender. This is important because your Gender is key to being discovered by people who are interested in your content. If you do not feel identified among the genres we have included in the list, you can email us at eve@tempted.com or support@tempted.com

If you need help you can check our Quick Guide for New Temptations or watch this Video Tutorial. 

ImportantUntil you have completed all the mandatory steps, your Profile will not be public. You can check the required steps by accessing the Home section in the left-side menu.